Who wants 2 Free Christmas Presents? An Adventure? And 2 x Discounts?
First indulge me for a couple of minutes so I can help you get through the holidays, and demonstrate how exercise will help you feel better, after what has been a difficult year.
Do you think the holidays are a time for exercise?
Absolutely not! I need a break! I hear you... it has been a very difficult year for all of us, navigating a pandemic, potential employment issues, this word 'furlough' that didn't exist in 2019 (well it did but did we know it?), lockdowns, health, bereavement, limited weddings, and the rest.
However, as we close into Christmas and bubbles (something we only used to put in a bath), there is one thing that we can do which can bring us some relief.

Fitness, running, swimming, cycling, weights, gym work, it may be actually be a really good way to manage some of the more challenging aspects of Christmas, and it may also mean you can eat more Christmas Turkey or the vegetarian/vegan/fruitarian etc alternative!
Before we continue I promised you 2 Free Christmas Presents, so here you go:
Exercise is known to release serotonin and endorphins. These are two free Christmas presents which are accessible to you right now (if you want 2 actual free gifts scroll down, genuine gifts you can download now too)!
Both serotonin and endorphins will make you feel better, and put you in a more relaxed frame of mind, as you try to argue about who won the last game of trivial pursuit or who is going to win the brussel sprout eating competition (thanks Dawn French for that one).
Serotonin stabilizes our mood, it helps with sleep and processing food. Endorphins to put it crudely help you to be happy and relieve pain for a time. So why wouldn't you want all of this?
What better presents could you ask for, maybe a new bike right...? What's the rule again? N+1? Or is it dependent on a tolerant spouse?
Now you've had your gifts, what about an Adventure?
Christmas can be a chance to explore new routes as you visit relatives, go home, or stay put.
Have you ever thought about wandering off the beaten track, to see where that road leads; you know the one you pass every Tuesday on your cycle to work... or the gap in the edge of the thicket you always run past?
Maybe, just maybe it's time to explore...
I have tried this and came back super muddy on one of my adventures but feeling a real sense of accomplishment, and of course some free serotonin and endorphins to boot!
It was Jez Cox (Pro Cycling Commentator, former Elite Duathlete and Elite GBR Triathlon Team Manager) who mentioned trying a local adventure out during lockdown one.
He did so when we talked Sport and Mental Health on my podcast which you can access via the Anchor streaming platform here.
Navigating the ongoing Christmas Feast:
If you're like me and around Christmas you know you're gonna put away at least 5 tins of pringles and a mountain of Christmas pudding (and the rest), exercise can help to keep you on track weight wise.
Remember there is more to life than how much we weigh, our fat levels and what we look like in the mirror, but equally myself included I know this can be a sensitive subject for many.
Ultimately, I would say relax, and enjoy yourself over Christmas, and come 2021 maybe that's the time to pick up new habits. A new you isn't required at all.
Same You, New Habits!
To get you started I want to help you with tips, tricks and news around running, triathlon and fitness via my free mailing list.
If you sign up you will receive 2 free gifts: a training planner, and a downloadable PDF.
Thank you and the discounts:
Thanks for reading, and if I don't see you before have a wonderful Christmas! Eat well, sleep well, rest well, be present, if you're on your own or isolating due to Covid do stay in touch with friends and family members via video chat if you are able.
Merry Christmas from me (sorry I look tired it's been a long year haha!) and my wonderful sister, who has been a rock this year for me.
She also runs her own business Locks and Lashes by Lauren (mobile hair and eyelashes in Surrey and Oxfordshire).
As a thank you for being a part of the TriClub and Locks and Lashes by Lauren Community we are offering each other's customers 10% off your first appointment for locks, lashes, and your fitness levels until the end of January 2021.
Hopefully it's a little something to get you and your loved ones looking and feeling good on the inside and out for the New Year!

Merry Christmas from,
Ian & Lauren
TriClub / Locks & Lashes by Lauren
PS: Follow TriClub on Facebook: www.facebook.com/triclubuk to stay up-to-date with the latest offers, news and discounts, and remember to sign up for the email list too.
Remember to follow Locks & Lashes by Lauren on Facebook.